Jawaban "There Are Forty Skirts In The Cupboard. Ten Skirts Are Dirty. How Many Clean Skirts Are There In The..."

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Btw, kami sudah mempunyai 1 kunci jawaban atas There are forty skirts in the cupboard. Ten skirts are dirty. How many clean skirts are there in the.... Okay, langsung saja pelajari jawabannya selengkapnya di bawah:

There Are Forty Skirts In The Cupboard.
Ten Skirts Are Dirty.
How Many Clean Skirts Are There In The Cupboard?

There Are Thirty T-shirts In The Cupboard.
Fifteen T-shirts Are Too Small For Ratna.
She Gives Them To Her Brother.
How Many T-shirts Are There In The Cupboard Now?

There Are Thirty-six Dresses In The Cupboard.
Ten Dresses Are Torn.
Ratna Brings Them To The Dressmaker.
How Many Dresses Are There In The Cupboard Now?

Jawaban: #1:


There are thirty clean skirts in the cupboard.

There are fifteen T-shirts in the cupboard now.

There are twenty-six dresses in the cupboard now.


40 skirts in the cupboard.

10 skirts are dirty.

How many clean skirts are there in the cupboard?

Answer: 40 - 10 = 30 clean skirts.

30 T-shirts in the cupboard.

15 T-shirts are too small for Ratna.

She gives them to her brother.

How many T-shirts are there in the cupboard now?

Answer: 30 - 15 = 15 T-shirts.

36 dresses in the cupboard.

10 dresses are torn.

Ratna brings them to the dressmaker.

How many dresses are there in the cupboard now?

Answer:​ 36 - 10 = 26 dresses.

Gimana? Sudah dapat cara menyelesaikan mengenai "There are forty skirts in the cupboard. Ten skirts are dirty. How many clean skirts are there in the..." kan? Semoga jawaban tadi bisa mempercepat penyelesaian peer teman-teman.

Catatan: Tiada gading yang tak retak, menggunakan berbagai referensi akan lebih baik.

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