Jawaban "Story Telling Frozen Tolong"

Selain belajar teori, anda juga butuh mempelajari soal ujian. Mempelajari soal PR akan membantu kamu memperoleh hasil yang diharapkan dari proses belajar menyelesaikan latihan soalnya. Menyelesaikan ulang contoh soal akan membuat sobat paham pola pengerjaan soal termasuk proses untuk mendapatkan solusi dari pertanyaan tsb. Melihat pembahasan soal ketika tidak tahu justru akan membantu memperoleh pemahaman.

By the way, kami sudah menyusun 2 cara menyelesaikan dari Story Telling Frozen Tolong. Okey, langsung saja lihat cara menyelesaikannya selengkapnya di bawah ini:

Story Telling Frozen Tolong

Jawaban: #1: stroy telling " frozen" ( singkat )
Once upon a time there was a kingdom ruled by a king and queen who had daughter named elsa and anna. Elsa had a magic power; she froze everything she touched and couldn't control it until one day she hurt anna with her power that made her had to shut the world out, including anna.After they grown up, anna figured out about elsa's power after her memory was taken before. It made elsa felt sad and guilty and then she ran away. When elsa ran away to the forest, she step on to the water that made the water froze straight away. She had been froze the entire kingdom. Anna chased elsa and met some people who helped her in order to find elsa. Olaf, kristoph, and sven. They had to face some danger on the way but at last they found elsa. Elsa stressed out and guilty and hurt anna once again. This time she had to found her true love to heal her. Everyone thought it was kristoph.But it was too late. Anna had turned into ice when kristoph came. Elsa hugged her and cried on her that suddenly anna turned into human again. True love had heal her. And then elsa realized to control her power, she only need love. 
Jawaban: #2: Once upon a time there was a kingdom ruled by elsa and anna .
Elsa had a magic power that made her had to shut the world out including anna.
And then they Grown Up and anna know about elsa Power and made she felt sad and she ran away to the forest but Anna chased elsa at last anna found elsa.
but it was too late,Anna had turned into ice and then elsa hugged anna and Cries But elsa know too control her power,She just need love

Nah itulah cara menyelesaikan mengenai "Story Telling Frozen Tolong", semoga dapat bermanfaat!

Pesan Mimin: Setelah usaha, jangan lupa berdoa.

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