Jawaban "SOF The Text Is For Questions 6 To 8 IV I Love Simplicity, This Is The Reason Why I Always Wear The..."

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Btw, kami sudah menyusun 1 ulasan atas SOF The text is for questions 6 to 8 IV I love simplicity, this is the reason why I always wear the.... Silakan lihat kunci jawabannya lebih lanjut disini:

The Text Is For Questions 6 To 8
I Love Simplicity, This Is The Reason Why I Always
wear The Same Style Of Clothes Everyday.
Wherever I Go, I Wear T-shirt, Black Jeans Trousers
and A Jacket, Most Of The Time. Recently, I Realize
that I Have A Favorite Jacket And I Really Like To
wear It. This Jacket Was A Birthday Present From
my Sister. She Gave It To Me A Year Ago. There Is
something I Really Like About This Jacket, And Now !
am Going To Tell You What It Is.
My Favorite Jacket Is A Hoodie With A
zipper In The Center Of It. It Is Made Of Cotton. The
color Of The Sleeves Is Black. There Are Two Gray
stripes Encircling The Arm Muscle. The Color Of The
hood Is Also Black. But The Color Of The Front And
the Back Part Are Gray. There Are Two Pockets On
the Front Side, Located Right On My Stomach.
Something Very Special Of This Jacket Is A Wise
word Printed On It. The Wise Word Is "Never Give
Up", I Like It So Much Because It Always Reminds
me To Keep Going With My Job As A Writer, Even If A
lot Of People Doubt This Idea. The Text Is Printed On
the Chest Of The Jacket And The Color Is Red.
5. On The Text The Writer Tells Us About His ....
A Life Style
B. Way Of Life
C. Favorite Jacket
D. Dream To Be A Writer
6. The Special Thing About The Writer's Jacket Is
A. The Color
B. The Pocket
C. The Function
D. The Wise Words
7. The Second Paragraph Tells Us About ....
A. The Function Of The Jacket
B. The Appearance Of The Jacket
C. The Idea To Be A Writer As A Job
D. How The Writer Fight To Reach His Dream​

Jawaban: #1:


5. c.

6. d.

7. b.


these are the answers.

Itulah jawaban tentang "SOF The text is for questions 6 to 8 IV I love simplicity, this is the reason why I always wear the..." yang bisa kami berikan, semoga dapat bermanfaat!

Pesan Admin: Biasakan cek ulang jawaban sebelum mengirimkannya. Semoga betul semua ya ..

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