Jawaban "1. There Was A Singer At The Circus Too, She .... The Circus Song. She ..... Beautiful Costume. 2. J..."

Belajar materi pelajaran dengan tehnik mengerjakan contoh tanya jawab ternyata lebih mudah bila dibandingkan dengan hanya membaca materinya saja. Dengan metoda ini kamu akan lebih mudah mengerti makna dari pelajaran tsb sehingga bisa membantu kamu dalam menghadapi tes.

By the way, kami telah menyusun 2 ulasan mengenai 1. There was a singer at the circus too, she .... the circus song. She ..... beautiful costume. 2. J.... Monggo lihat kunci jawabannya selengkapnya di bawah:

1. There Was A Singer At The Circus Too,
she .... The Circus Song. She .....
2. James : Where ....you Yesterday? Ann: We ... At The Circus Parade. Jack ..... There
3. He … … The New Hoodie At The Last Night.He … Sweater Instead.
4. They … The Dress Very Munch,but They … The Color
5. … Samuel … A Good Time Last Night?Yes ,he Did
6. … … You Go With?I Went With Cindy Yesterday.
7. … … She Go Last Weekend?She Went To The Movie Theater ​

Jawaban: #1:


1. sang,was

2. are,were,was

3. didnt wear,wore

4. liked,disliked

5. was,having

6. who did

7where did


maaf klo salah-

semoga membantu

Jawaban: #2: 1. sang, was
2. are,were,was
3. didn't were, wore
4. liked,disliked
5. was, having
6. who did
7. where did

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