Jawaban "Dialogue 2 Pia : Good Morning Maam.. Mrs.Tia Good Morning Dear. What Can I Do For You? Pia : I'm Loo..."

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By the way, kami telah menyiapkan 1 cara menjawab tentang Dialogue 2 Pia : Good morning maam.. Mrs.Tia Good morning dear. What can I do for you? Pia : I'm loo.... Monggo baca cara mengerjakannya lebih lanjut disini:

Dialogue 2


: Good Morning Maam..

Mrs.Tia Good Morning Dear. What Can I Do For You?

Pia : I'm Looking For A Book, A Sport Book. Could You Do A Favor For Me?

Mrs.Tia: Sure. It's On The Top Shelf. What If We Find It Together? : Umm... Do You Mind If I Get The Ladder?


Mrs.Tia Not At All. I Have Two Books Of Sport. They Are "The Batminton" And "The Fastest Runner". Do You Want To Borrow Both?


: With Pleasure Thank You. What If I Borrow Them For A Week?

Mrs.Tia: No Problem. Return Them On Time, Will You?


: Certainly Maam. Thank You.

Answer The Following Questions:

8. What Is The Conversation About?

9. Where Does The Conversation Take Place?

10. What Does Mrs. Lia Offer To Pia?

11. What Does Pia Offer To Mrs. Lia?

12. "It's On The Top Shelf. What If We Find It Together?" What Does The Underlined Word Mean?

13. "No Problem. Return Them On Time, Will You?" What Is The Synonym Of The Underlined Word?​

Jawaban: #1:


8. the conversation is about Pia whos looking for a book and borrow them

9. library

10. a good sport books

11. to borrow the books for a week

maaf tapi yang 12 sama 13 yang di underlined yang mana ya?

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